How Do I Know If a Detailer is Legit?

With how popular the detailing space is becoming, it is important to do your research before booking in a detail with any company. There are many supposed “Detailing Companies” that are either total scams, or just looking to overcharge and make a quick buck. So, to help protect you and your wallet, we’ll cover a few actionable steps to take in order to stay protected.

  1. Where did you learn about this detailer?

    Oftentimes, where you first heard about your detailer can give you a clue as to whether or not they are legitimate. While real detailers can be found on all platforms, there are a few locations to be skeptical of, the most common of these being Facebook. While almost every detailer has a Facebook Page to connect with their audience, many fake detailers will make posts in local groups that imitate a real detailing post. For example, taking a look at a Facebook group in the Plymouth area, a recent post from a fake detailing company can be seen:

This post, while legitimate seeming, comes from an account with 0 friends or public information, and is not linked to any detailing brand, indicating it is fake. Facebook accounts can also be hacked and fake posts can be put up, making them seem to come from legit accounts.

2. What online presence does the brand have?

A legit detailer will have many outlets online, including social media and/or a website, and have many posts and compilations of work previously done. If you google the name of the detailer you plan on working with, and get no relevant results, it may be wise to rethink working with that person. The same goes for looking at reviews, how many do they have, if any at all, and do they seem legit?

3. Look out for crazy discounts

If it’s too good to be true, then it’s probably not true. It’s a time tested phrase for a reason, especially in the detailing world. To lure in potential “customers”, scams will often offer crazy, 50%+ off discounts compared to competitors to get people in the door. And, anyone offering such low prices, even if they do show up, will most likely not provide anywhere close to as good of a job as a professional.

4. Risk of theft and/or damages

In the event that you do choose one of these “detailers”, and they do show up and complete the job (to some level), you are still at risk. For one, if anything is damaged during the detail, it’ll be close to impossible to get coverage for it. And, its easy to leave valuables in your vehicle on accident, and, if a detailer is untrustworthy, they may steal these items and leave you wondering where you lost them! And, if you do fork over any debit/credit card information, that may be in jeopardy too.

All in all, when choosing a detailer, using due diligence and being careful is a must if you want to both stay protected and ensure a quality job is done. After all, a car is often one’s second most valuable asset, so treat it like so!


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